
My 2022 Recap

Published Date: Dec 2022


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Well, time flies so fast, now we’re getting closer to 2023. Like I’ve done before, I’d like to write my yearly recap and hope for the next year. I can say, this article will seem like a yearly retrospective. This is also a self-reminder for me when I read it again.

Enjoying Current Job

I was officially onboarded on 3rd January 2022 as a frontend engineer and since then, I have been enjoying my job. Being able to work from home and only needing to visit the office once a month for meetings and retrospectives is great. I also like the work culture here.

This is the first time I use React JS (and Next.js) in my full-time job. Along the way, I sharpen my Typescript and CSS skills through the tasks that have given. Very challenging, but here I am, I have to face and overcome my fear.

I also got to know a lot of people, and they were always willing to help and answer my questions even though we were working remotely. I'm grateful to be part of this team and I'm looking forward to the future.

Start to Pursue a Master's Degree

The year has been a whirlwind of changes and growth for me. After working full-time as a frontend engineer, I finally decided to take the plunge and pursue a Master's degree in Management Information Systems. The privilege of working remotely and continuing to work full-time while studying was a huge benefit for me and I registered at Binus Online Learning in June 2022.

The first few weeks of my course were challenging. I had to juggle my work, my coursework, and my personal life all at once. I soon found my rhythm, however, and started to enjoy the challenge of the course. I was learning new concepts and ideas, and I had an amazing group of people to work with.

The course was not without its difficulties. I had to learn how to use multiple software programs and systems to complete my assignments. This was not something I was used to and I found myself struggling at first. However, with a lot of practice and help from my instructors and peers, I eventually got the hang of it and was able to work with amazing efficiency.

I also had to learn how to manage my time effectively. I had to make sure that I gave enough time to my work and studies, while still finding time for my friends and family. I quickly developed a system that worked for me, and I was able to make the most of my time.

Despite the difficulties, I thoroughly enjoyed the course. I was learning new things and growing as a person. I had grown to love the challenge of the study and was feeling more confident in my abilities. I was so proud of the progress I had made and was looking forward to the future.

Start to Live Healthily

Since October 2022, I started to push myself to do morning walks and jogging at least 4 times a week. I do a morning walk and jog for 30 minutes each day. The first month is the hardest part and caused my leg so painful, even now😂.

But fast forward 3 months, I can feel changes in my body. I feel more energized after I do this kind of sport. I am also rarely sick, only little flu without a fever sometimes. Before doing this, I often feel fatigued when working for a whole day, even I work remotely.

I’ll keep this new habit as my new lifestyle. Working remotely is a huge benefit for me, so I can still do some physical activities before start working in the morning.

Join Offline Dev Community Events

I had the privilege of being invited to speak at the Jakarta JS meetup on the 30th of August. I was very excited to attend as it was my first time speaking at an offline meetup.

I prepared my talk weeks in advance, and I was so relieved when I finally finished my speech. I was nervous but also excited to be part of the tech community.

The night of the event was filled with energy and excitement. Everyone was so welcoming and friendly, and I felt like I was part of something bigger. I was able to connect with so many amazing people in the tech industry and learn from them. It was a night I will never forget and I'm thankful to have been part of it.


I am also thrilled to attend the GDG Bogor meetup on 3rd December. It was the first local event in my hometown and I was so happy to meet some friends, especially those who I knew from Twitter.

The atmosphere was electric, and I could feel the excitement in the air. I was able to meet so many amazing people in the tech industry and learn from them. It was an incredible experience and I'm so glad I was able to attend.


Projects that I’ve worked on in 2022

WA Helper

I made a simple web app to help me when I want to chat with someone through WhatsApp without saving the phone number first. I made it for myself, but I set it up as a public project so everyone can use it too. It can be accessed at

QR Generator

This is a simple QR Code generator made using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and React QR Logo library. Like the previous projects, I made it for myself at first. But I set it as an open-source project so everyone can use it or even contribute to it. The live demo can be accessed at

Hope for 2023

Learn Backend

I am determined to learn backend development with Golang in 2023. I will continue to work as a front-end engineer, but having an understanding of back-end development will be a valuable skill to have.

I don’t want to be an apathetic front-end engineer. If I can develop the backend side by myself, I’ll do it. Of course in my workplace, I’ll do it with review and approval from the related backend engineer.

Finish my final thesis

I’ve started to pursue my master’s degree in Management Information Systems, so I have to finish it on time. I have to say, I hate learning through academic papers. Too many theories and procedures🤮.

I’ve promised myself that I’ll finish the thesis in 2023 and get graduated in 2024, so I don’t have to deal with this kind of research paper anymore and will focus on coding-related jobs as a frontend engineer.

Of course, after I get my new degree, I’ll have a new side job as a part-time or freelance lecturer as my second income stream. This is great and I will finish what I’ve started.

Keep Joining or even Contribute to Tech Community

Since I joined Jakarta JS and GDG Bogor, I was so thrilled to participate in the next events. Maybe as a participant first, but if I’m invited as a contributor, I’ll be happy to help.

This kind of event can be momentum to create networking with new friends. Working remotely has a side effect, yep which is a lack of social life🤣. This is why I realized I need to socialize through this community.


So yeah, this is my 2022 recap. I hope 2023 will be a better year for us even though there are a lot of negative speculations out there. What’s yours?

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